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Life Without Coffee

Some say we'll know the world is ending by catastrophes such as war, stars falling from the sky, earthquakes, and no light from the sun and the moon. I’ll know the world is ending when I can’t get my morning coffee.

Like this morning. I woke up to a spring blizzard and no electricity. No electricity meant no heat, no cooking, no internet, limited cell phone usage. And no coffee.

If the power didn’t come back on in a few hours, we would be cut off from civilization, and in danger of dying from cold and hunger. I should have been concerned. I should have started planning how to save my husband and dogs from starvation and a dark death.

Instead, I got cranky. Instead, I made a mental list of the restaurants in town that might be running on a generator.

My darling husband agreed to brave the foot-high snow drifts, so we carefully drove two blocks to the nearest restaurant.

We were in luck. Sort of. The restaurant was open, and the gas grill was running just fine. But there was no generator and no coffee. Life just sucks sometimes. I settled for orange juice and breakfast.

But then a miracle - the electricity came on. I finally got my coffee, as did all the other caffeine-deprived patrons.

Looks like we may put our coffee money towards a generator for the house.

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