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100% Eclipse or Bust

Up until early this morning, I seriously considered staying home with the dogs while my husband and our guests drove to Casper to watch the eclipse. After all, I could see a little over 97% of the eclipse just sitting in our backyard, and maybe even take in the eclipse party and concert a couple of blocks away.

Our guests flew in from LA, and 97% wasn't good enough for them. It was 100% or bust. It didn't bother them to travel for 12 hours to Buffalo, travel an hour from Buffalo to Casper, another hour from Casper to Buffalo, and then another 12 hours back to LA. All this for about 2 minutes.

As I pointed out to my friend Jill, the eclipse reminded me of sex -- getting excited for hours (or months) before, a couple of minutes for the actual act, and then everybody goes home. Jill suggested I watch the eclipse, then report back to her whether the eclipse or sex is better.

So, I joined my husband and our guests for the drive to the Casper Event Center. Contrary to gloomy predictions, the interstate wasn't a parking lot (it was crowded by Wyoming standards, but traffic flowed at the speed limit), we saw no devil worship or animal sacrifices, and parking was no problem. We had access to food, restrooms, protective eye wear, and (surprise) eclipse T-shirts.

OK, I admit it was amazing to watch the sun disappear bit by bit, to feel the temperature drop, to watch the sky darken and turn to dusk, to hear everyone around us ooh at the same time, and to see the corona behind the moon.

So, after much thought, my verdict is that the eclipse is better than sex. Why? You can eat ice cream and watch the eclipse at the same time.

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